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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  November 13, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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>> you are watching wbal-tv 11 news -- live, local, late breaking. this is 11 news at noon. >> good afternoon, everyone. new developments overnight that led to the resignation -- in a scandal that led to the resignation of general david petraeus.
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tracy potts has the latest. >> i want to thank you -- >> overnight, defense secretary of leon panetta announced general john allen, our top commander in afghanistan, is under investigation. potentially inappropriate e- mail's were found between allen and jilly kelly. kelly is the one who said she felt threatened by e-mail's by paula broadwell. >> i think it is important when you're the director of the cia, with all the challenges that face you in that position, personal integrity is first and foremost be bankrupt before all of this became public, paula blog -- paula broadwell spoke of working with petraeus in
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afghanistan. > kelly and allen's relations and it has not been defined, but he is still on the job right now. in the meantime, the fbi conducted a consentual search of broadwell's home. her brother-in-law calls for the euro. >> she took issue with it. >> in washington, congress once to know -- wants to know why it took them and the president several days to learn about general petraeus. general allen denies doing anything inappropriate. tracyashington, i'm potts. back to you. >> officers responded to call around 10:30 last night. they found a man suffering gunshot wounds.
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a weekend brawl at a free-market involved two motorcycle gangs. two men face charges. investigators identified the gains as the demons of souls and ouls and the titans motorcycle clubs. police are asking for your help in identifying two men involved in a weekend shooting at a taco bell. they are offering a $2,000 award. it happen on the 700 block of columbia. the manager was shot after confronting someone he thought suspicious outside. he is listed in critical condition this afternoon. if you have information that could help police, call them at -- a baltimore city policeman
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suspended after allegations of sexual misconduct. police received a call about elliott simon over the weekend. and simon was on duty at the time. he has been suspended without pay pending a criminal and internal investigation. >> this agency is committed to holding people accountable for misconduct. i have no tolerance for misconduct or officers that violate the public trust. >> officer simon is a 13-year veteran of the force assigned to the northwest district. we were unable to reach him for comment. the puppeteer who performs as elmo is taking a leave of absence. he is accused of having a relationship with as 16-year- old boy. he denies the claim, saying the relationship was between two
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consenting adults and is saddened that he tried to characterize it as something other than it was. other puppeteers will fill in for him during his absence. two accidents in baltimore county. the first one happened on madison avenue. madison avenue between fallsway and calvert and guilford remain closed, as well as the guilford off ramp from jfx. on philadelphia road, and affected -- it affected water service. this is five days after a 50- inch line burst on charles and 20th street.
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you may have seen some sleet mixing in that rain. pretty amazing. the showers moving and the forecast for today, we are expecting the showers to end. the sunshine breaking al. many of you will have seen those showers. temperatures sure our chili. this pattern is going to end in to the next couple of days. i will talk about that when we come back in the forecast. >> lots of people are unhappy with the elections, and so i'm happy some states have filed petitions to secede from the u.s. the petitions cite the declaration of independence as permission for the people to institute a new business -- a new government. the to doesn't fall presidential election in the rearview mirror,
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some people -- the 2012 presidential election in the rearview mirror, some people already thinking about 2016. martin o'malley is seen as a possible candidate. secretary of state hillary clinton is a clear favorite in the caucuses. governor o'malley did not do well in that scenario, but he could do better if the secretary does not run. people also shows the governor gets a number of not sure answers when people are asked if they have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of him. we will explain. plus, a man tries to prank his friends in a movie theater.
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>> covering the nation, in ohio, three children, other on goal, and their grandmother died as a result of a murder-suicides -- and their uncle, and their grandmother died as a result of a murder-suicide. a terrifying prank in colorado
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plans a 17-year-old boy in police custody. he showed up to the theater wearing a joker mask. he was not armed and did not make any threats, but he was arrested. congress is back in session today. the lame duck session is said to be dedicated to the boarding be fiscal cliff by year's end. unless congress -- to avoiding the fiscal cliff by year's end. unless congress takes action, automatic spending cuts will take action at the end of this year. coming up, alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death. doctors of had difficulty of diagnosing the disease. we have more in our medical alert. >> and we are watching as the radar finally clears out. the showers are toward the lower
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eastern shore, the skies clearing over baltimore. here is a live look downtown. 45 of the airport, 47 at the inner
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>> covering the nation, a new look short sell that will help struggling homeowners sell their homes in just a few weeks. a traditional short sale will sell homes for less than homeowners oh, but under the new deal, homeowners can -- less than homeowners owe, but under the new deal, homeowners can sign up for the new fannie mae
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and freddie mac deal. homeowners must have had a significant reduction in their income, or recent divorce, separation, or debt to be eligible. the black friday deal previews. target will open at 9:00 p.m.. toys r us will open at 8:00 p.m. toys r us is offering doorbusters and free goodie bags. they will stagger the deals throughout the holiday weekend. and in a medical alert -- cancer and heart attack top medical concerns for most people. alzheimer's disease should be on that list, simply -- on that list, too.
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it is difficult to diagnose, but a new test shows promise. >> her memory is harder these days. alzheimer's disease is stealing her memory and eventually the 83-year-old's life. >> i do not know any more about it. it just happens. we have to die of something. >> sara was with her mom when the diagnosis came four years ago. >> i cried, just thinking about it. it is emotional. she has always been my rock. she has always been there for me. now it is my turn to be there for her. think i ama, i don't taking you home. i think you should come live with us. and she said okay. >> the alzheimer's association reports a 5.4 million americans haven't and millions more will
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get. whites make up the majority, and yet african-americans and hispanics are at higher risk for developing at. >> there's almost no literature available. there is very little on going and it is a major problem. >> and that is how the doctor came to further his results into alzheimer's disease. >> there is plenty to suggest that the disease may in fact hispanics differently. >> it is huge for all groups, a blood test that could tell doctor sooner who was at risk. >> we are going to let multiple things in the blood tell us whether we think someone has alzheimer's disease. as a result, we have a blood test that yields 90-plus% accuracy. -- 90-plus percent accuracy. >> there is a test they can do, but i would not take it.
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>> she knows that all summers cannot be cured, prevented, or slowed. -- she knows that alzheimer's cannot be cured, prevented, or slowed. she knows her memories will fade, but she hopes the heart will never forget. >> rainy forecast. sleet in some places. how does the rest of the day look? >> people were pretty surprised to see that sleet, and i was, too. such a shallow cold layer. carry in mount washington sotted. also -- it is amazing -- carrie in mount washington saw it. you can see the showers pushing down into lower eastern maryland. ocean city, they are getting the rain right now. georgetown as well. these guys are starting to clear out and that is what we expect.
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to change in weather patterns so quickly here. first we had sleet, and now the sunshine is coming back. this is what surprised a lot of people. we were above freezing all afternoon, and yet we got some of that frozen precipitation. that is because just above the surface, it was cold enough for some of the rain to freeze into what we call an ice pellet. here's what we're looking at. 45 at the airport. we expect temperatures to warm a little bit more into the afternoon. lookout cold it is in western maryland right now. that is that cold air coming behind the sunshine, and this marine layer is moving off shore. with that sun behind it, a large area of high pressure will build in, and that will bring us an area of high pressure for the
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next few days. you can really see that in the national picture, that blue sheeting dipping down into kentucky and tennessee. a very cold air coming in behind this front and it will stick around for quite some time. tonight, you will see the temperatures drop down even more. we are talking mid-30's out there. sunset is early as well, so the temperatures will drop pretty quickly after 4:53. that is the official sunset. it is going to be called. slowly warming up to 56 on friday. notice the temperatures next week. near the freezing mark. and we have the potential for rain returning next week. >> and i am from valley view farm's to answer your questions. >> these are great winter bloo
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mers. they are in indoor plant, but they can take temperatures 65, 60. in my house, it is rarely above 60. and they come in purple, so they are good for ravens fans. >> let's go to the questions. ice plant -- i planted in this history in my front yard. is doing wonderful. -- it is doing wonderful. >> they are fine outdoors, the tropical hi this is with those wonderful flowers -- >> bring it in now. >> exactly. >> it is going to be cold tonight. my flowers are -- how do i protect them from the cold? >> they are not dying. they are just taking arrest.
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spring, the middle of march, -- they're just taking a rest. spring, the middle of march, they will open back up again. >> they are just taking a snooze. >> asparagus -- right around the end of december, cut those back down to the ground and discard any of those marines. get -- to rid of those. get a good tropical fertilizer. you should be picking asparagus again by may, jim. >> is it too early to plant? >> if you get them in before the ground freezes, that is fine. >> ok. you can e-mail your question to plant questions at
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up next, your maryland lottery numbers. plus, a look at how wall street is performing at
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>> tonight on 11 news at 5:00, trial under way for the former student charged with killing are
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roommates. we will have more on the story of a roommate who allegedly stabbed her roommate over loud music. we will have more on a program of helping kids one suitcase at the time. and we will continue to cover the water main breaks in midtown. stay tuned for these stories and much more at 5:00 p.m. and now you're maryland lottery numbers. lottery maryland let yourself let ♪ >> your numbers are -- 6 as printed on the ball. 4. 2. 6-4-2. now through november 25, by $10 or more and received a card for the newest game. we are ready to rock and roll.
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your picked four numbers are -- 2. 1. 2. and 5. 2-1-2-5. the maryland lottery. let yourself play. >> it is going to be getting colder. >> it is. especially tonight. we are talking mid-30's tomorrow morning. sunshine the next couple of days, but it will be called. >> we will feel at. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> have a great day.
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